Hello, Bonjour and Guten Tag, my name is Konrad and I am a Software Engineer based in Europe.
MSc in Cloud Computing and Services, 2019
TU Delft & Paris Saclay (EIT Digital)
BSc in Multimedia Technology, 2016
University of Applied Sciences Salzburg
Most experience with Golang and JavaScript but been in touch with many other higher level ones.
Worked with SQL (PostgreSQL), Document stores (MongoDB), Key value stores (Redis), …
Used Kubernetes, CI & CD, AWS, Heroku etc, on the deployment and not operational side
I joined Kayrros during my master studies for my final internship. Our team empowers project teams to focus on their algorithms without worrying too much about their data needs. The core competence of the team is to provide a company internal catalog which is a unified view of both public and commercial satellite data.
During the internship, the task was to improve on both the downloading stack of satellite data and the catalog itself. For example, one of the tasks was to add a new satellite source.
A lot happened since then, the catalog got a rewrite with a new tech stack and a better architecture, the company migrated to Kubernetes from Rancher and went back to AWS after staying some years self-hosted. We added new services, and we were able to significantly reduce our storage costs. I had the chance to lead the development of projects and am involved in all the planning for upcoming ones. I enjoy learning new things along the way and keep getting challenged.